明视界 | 足底人生第一集(VR全景版)

明视界 | 足底人生第一集(VR全景版) 4

明视界丝袜女主视频下载 | 足底人生第一集(VR全景版)

明视界 | 足底人生第一集(VR全景版) 5


明视界 | 足底人生第一集(VR全景版) 6

Some time ago, Ming Fei hired a screenwriter named M, who inspired her to shoot a long story. The whole film is based on the first-person perspective of the boss who was shrunk, telling the various experiences of living with Ming Fei after being shrunk. The general content of this episode is that the boss of the white-collar Ming Fei is a LSP, who uses his position to block Ming Fei’s way to promotion. If you dare to refuse his dirty hands, then don’t even think about getting promoted. It happened that Ming Fei went to Yunnan for a trip and got a shrinking potion, so let’s give this disgusting boss a try! This episode is about the process of shrinking and the first black silk beautiful feet training. The boss who was shrunk was stuffed into Ming Fei’s black silk and stepped on by his feet, suffocating to fainting. This series of videos strongly recommends using VR glasses to watch the VR version, which can satisfy the dual visual and auditory experience, and be truly immersive!

下载价格6 ft
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