初见 | 家奴用舌头清理沾满污泥的马丁靴

初见 | 家奴用舌头清理沾满污泥的马丁靴 3

初见S调教视频下载 短靴舔鞋底 | 家奴用舌头清理沾满污泥的马丁靴


初见 | 家奴用舌头清理沾满污泥的马丁靴 4

First meeting S training video download, short boots licking soles | Domestic slave uses tongue to clean muddy Martin boots

When I first joined the industry, I watched a movie. The content was very boring. It showed the queen lying on the sofa reading a book, while the slave knelt down and licked the muddy boots, which took a full hour to clean up. I didn’t really understand it at the time. The only thing I felt was that it was so real and didn’t look like a performance. It wasn’t until I gradually developed my private slave into a tool dog that completely obeyed all my orders that I understood why this video has remained in my memory – that dog was just like my current dog, without any thoughts of its own, it was alive There is only one purpose: to obey my orders and serve me.
I originally planned to shoot for two hours, and just let the slave lick it all the time. Unfortunately, the camera overheated and shut down after 45 minutes. If you like real slaves serving their masters, then this one is not to be missed.

下载价格6 ft
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TaoluTV Living
甜予摄影 | 璇璇的板鞋、白棉袜、裸足(带视频)
甜予摄影 | 璇璇的板鞋、白棉袜、裸足(带视频)
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