湘香女王 | 嘴上燃烧的蜡烛

湘香女王 | 嘴上燃烧的蜡烛 3

湘香女王调教视频下载 | 嘴上燃烧的蜡烛


湘香女王 | 嘴上燃烧的蜡烛 4

Queen Xiangxiang Training Video Download | Burning Candles on Mouth

The heroine ordered the bitch to use her tongue as a tool to lick the dirty soles. She felt that the tongue was not flexible enough, so she spit in the bitch’s mouth, hoping that the bitch would perform better, and told him that your mouth is my spittoon and ashtray! You must kowtow to me and thank me when you are done with it. All my unnecessary waste must be put in your mouth. After smoking, the heroine scratched a heart with a long nail on the bitch’s chest and told the bitch that this is me. Where to put out cigarette ashes, and then put out the cigarette butt directly on the bitch’s chest. The skin is already broken and the bitch is told that the skin is not broken. I have to say that I am very happy. Then she threw the finished cigarette butt into the mouth of the action trash can. Wasn’t the dog’s tongue not flexible enough just now to please the heroine? Now the queen lit a candle and dripped it directly on the dog’s tongue, which made the bitch tremble. . Finally, seal the mouth of the bitch, put a candle in the mouth and light it to make a mute dog! And he stepped on the bitch’s nipples, not allowing the candle to be poured out, otherwise he would be slapped hard! The dog who is in pain, scared and unable to squeak can only accept the teasing of the heroine obediently. The queen even claps the dog when she is having fun, and tells him that this is to celebrate the birth of your dog, recognize the master! The plot teases forced humiliation extremely well.

下载价格6 ft
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木秋S | 跪舔长靴原味肉丝脚/虐乳
木秋S | 跪舔长靴原味肉丝脚/虐乳
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