维C | 3双12厘米高跟鞋从白瑕的身体到满身疮痍

维C | 3双12厘米高跟鞋从白瑕的身体到满身疮痍 3

维C女王高跟踩踏调教视频下载 | 3双12厘米高跟鞋从白瑕的身体到满身疮痍

因为视频M 就算在大家眼里他不算人,他活该,他罪有应得,谁叫他是狗,但是,确实是在鬼门关里走了30分钟,在维C眼里绝对看不到一丝同情,我对她的了解和在现场观察感觉到,她很知道自己是顶级美女,也知道自己的舔狗无数,所以在她眼里一个男人被她这样羞辱折磨或这么另类自贱她只认为是理所应当,从她下脚开始 尖锐的鞋跟就一直扎进M的脖子里,没有看到一丝的收力,深深深的多处印记留刻在脖子上,拍摄期间我冷汗直流,生怕发生可怕的事,有人说:你们团队不简单,其实没有那么复杂,只不过我们两个屌丝的爱好 过度痴狂 看着像容易送命而已,M 从一身雪白无痕的皮肤半个小时变成了进了炼狱的严刑逼供般,不说血肉模糊但至少找不出任何一块的完整地方,不停地一直踩直到15分钟后汗水湿满全身,不但身体火辣发烫,和没停止的压迫刺痛,汗水湿滑让维C主子一遍遍的滑下来,踩上来,滑下去,再踩上来,百斤的体重高跟一遍遍的划着下来,这种疼痛的折磨和未知的恐惧充斥大脑,实在是维C超高的颜值激发的M的奴性,才让最后咬牙煎熬结束,(但接下来半小时的绝望坐头折磨未结束,上期已发,可去看这套组合)喜欢特别重度的,强烈推荐购买收藏,承受不了,误入,慎重!

维C | 3双12厘米高跟鞋从白瑕的身体到满身疮痍 4

Because in the video M, even if he is not considered a human being in everyone’s eyes, he deserves it, he deserves his crime, who calls him a dog, but he did walk through the gates of hell for 30 minutes. I definitely can’t see a trace of sympathy in Wei C’s eyes. My understanding of her and my observations on the scene show that she knows very well that she is a top beauty and that she has countless licking dogs, so in her eyes, she just thinks it is natural for a man to be humiliated and tortured by her or to be so alternative and self-degrading. From the moment she put her feet on, the sharp heels kept digging into M’s neck, without seeing a trace of retraction, and deep marks were left on his neck. During the filming, I was sweating profusely, fearing that something terrible would happen. Some people said: Your team is not simple, but it’s actually not that complicated. It’s just that the hobbies of the two of us losers are too crazy and look like we can easily get killed. M In half an hour, my skin went from being snow-white and flawless to being tortured in purgatory. Not to mention being covered in blood and flesh, but at least I couldn’t find any intact place. I kept stepping on it until my whole body was soaked with sweat after 15 minutes. Not only was my body burning, but there was also the non-stop pressure and stinging. The sweat and slippery feeling made the Vitamin C master slide down again and again, step up, slide down, and step up again. The hundred-pound high heels kept sliding down. This painful torture and unknown fear filled my brain. It was really the slave nature of M aroused by the super high appearance of Vitamin C that finally ended the torment with gritted teeth. (But the next half hour of desperate torture of sitting on the head was not over yet. It has been posted in the last issue. You can go and see this combination.) If you like it very much, I strongly recommend buying it for collection. If you can’t bear it, please be careful if you accidentally enter!

下载价格5 ft
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飞鱼 | 捆绑坐脸四爱口舌
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