维C | 世界最幸福的人肉凳子椅 30分钟花样压扁式坐头

维C | 世界最幸福的人肉凳子椅 30分钟花样压扁式坐头 4

维C女S恋足踩踏调教视频下载 | 世界最幸福的人肉凳子椅 30分钟花样压扁式坐头

神仙美女维C的N个姿势压迫性坐头,坐脸,琳琅满目的溃疡伤口,破烂的肚皮胸膛肌肤是刚刚被维C残虐多双高跟戏踩的战利品,(下期会上传),新鲜的伤口和烙印还未停止疼痛,半小时的坐脸大专场又来了,高压的强度着实让直播M苦不堪言,维C作为新人万般优点,仙女容貌,性感肌肤,高魅力人设,唯一美中不足便是坐脸不知道给M留一个呼气口,大屁股只要坐在脑袋上就不懂得让M换气,活生生的憋着他,并且还不以为然,屁股硬硬的坐在鼻骨上眼睛上,眼球像快爆一样的胀痛,坐在头上就像焊死了一样,不懂得起来一下让M头部的血管通一通,红胀的头仿佛要随时爆开一样,这种持续坚持要爆炸的疼痛是人类最无法承受的,手不闲着 时而折磨他的伤口,时而温柔的搭在脸庞,各式各样的反差画面不停刺激我们的感官和生理神经,完美的穿搭各种优美性感的姿势 真的想让我们被她 坐死在臀部下,但随之而来的,过一会儿 便是体验到10级头痛的绝望,最后的全体重踩头,给M最后的期望画上了最终章。超爱这个素人 维C

维C | 世界最幸福的人肉凳子椅 30分钟花样压扁式坐头 5

Fairy beauty Wei C’s N postures of oppressive head-sitting and face-sitting, a dazzling array of ulcer wounds, and the torn belly and chest skin are the spoils of war that have just been cruelly trampled by Wei C with multiple pairs of high heels (to be uploaded in the next issue). The fresh wounds and branding have not stopped the pain yet. The half-hour face-sitting special is here again. The intensity of the high pressure really makes the live broadcast M miserable. As a newcomer, Wei C has many advantages, fairy looks, sexy skin, and high charm. The only flaw is that she doesn’t know how to leave an exhalation hole for M when sitting on the face. As long as the big butt sits on the head, she doesn’t know how to let M breathe, and she holds him alive, and doesn’t care. The butt sits hard on the nose bone and eyes, and the eyeballs are swollen and painful as if they are about to explode. Sitting on the head is like being welded, and she doesn’t know how to get up to let the blood vessels in M’s head clear. The red and swollen head seems to be about to explode at any time. This kind of pain that persists and insists on exploding is the most unbearable for humans. The hands are not idle Sometimes she tortures his wounds, sometimes she gently rests her face on him. All kinds of contrasting images constantly stimulate our senses and physiological nerves. She wears perfect clothes and various beautiful and sexy postures. I really want us to be sat on her buttocks, but after a while, I experience the despair of a level 10 headache. Finally, she stomps on his head with all her strength, which puts an end to M’s last hope. I love this amateur. Vitamin C

维C | 世界最幸福的人肉凳子椅 30分钟花样压扁式坐头 6
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