兔子牙 | 高跟皮靴超高下劈长靴丝袜爆踹

兔子牙 | 高跟皮靴超高下劈长靴丝袜爆踹
兔子牙 | 高跟皮靴超高下劈长靴丝袜爆踹 3

兔子牙很久没有暴打狗子了 突然来了兴趣 狗子也是很愿意,打之前她说最近心情不好不管有什么后果自己负者,她的肉色丝袜搭配黑色高跟靴加上她那有力的长腿不愧是超模我相信愿意死在她脚下的人也很多,甩臂式超重耳光打的狗子脑子空白 没等缓解长长的高跟靴稳稳的踹在了肚子和胸上,手打累了就用拳击手套狠狠的一拳一拳砸在了脑袋上,在配合她那长腿高跟靴下劈一脚一脚真真实实的给狗子身上留下了伤痕,后来脱掉衣服也是清晰可见 。 虽然是美女可是这种力度也是会要命的甚至直接拿高跟靴往头上踹根本不怕那一脚直接鞋跟扎到眼睛里,因为在她眼里这个狗子只是她的私人物品,后来穿鞋太累直接脱掉鞋子直接把狗头当成了毽子踢完全忘记是个活人了 在她的眼里就只能卑微做一条出气 垫脚的狗 什么时候打死了也不会在乎。

兔子牙 | 高跟皮靴超高下劈长靴丝袜爆踹 4

Bunny teeth for a long time did not beat the dog suddenly came to the interest of the dog is also very willing to fight before she said recently in a bad mood no matter what the consequences of their own negative, her flesh-colored stockings with black high-heeled boots coupled with her powerful legs worthy of a supermodel I believe that I am willing to die at her feet a lot of people, flinging arm type super-heavy slapping hit the dog’s brain blank did not wait to ease the long high-heeled boots steadily kicked in the stomach and chest, the hands of the dog’s body left scars. Tired of hitting the boxing gloves with a boxing glove hard punch a punch in the head, in conjunction with her long legs heeled boots under the chopping a foot a foot really left scars to the dog body, and then take off the clothes is also clearly visible. Although it is a beautiful woman, but this kind of strength is also going to kill even directly to take the high-heeled boots to the head to kick not afraid of that foot directly heel to the eyes, because in her eyes the dog is just her personal belongings, and then wear shoes too tired to take off the shoes directly to the dog’s head as a shuttlecock kick completely forget is a living person in her eyes can only be humble to do a gas foot padded dog Whenever you killed will not care.

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周一S | 高贵女主调教家奴
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