唐唐 | 酷似刘浩存的新素人人生第一次踩人头

唐唐 | 酷似刘浩存的新素人人生第一次踩人头 3

唐唐女s白袜踩踏调教视频下载 | 酷似刘浩存的新素人人生第一次踩人头

新人美女唐唐首次全体重踩头场,踩脖场,骑马场, 唐唐自己的原味鞋,厚厚的硬鞋底硬硬的鞋跟,压迫在脸上清晰正方形的鞋印,女S 的简单引导下,毫无压力,毫无愧疚,毫无怜悯,就真的像踩在一个没有生命的石头上,看不到她有任何心理负担,那种自信和高高在上真的就好像是美女们都与生俱来的,即使是第一次接触这些,但是可能在她们的心里,就真的觉得咱们这群人下贱另类,和没有必要当人类对待,那种完美的优越感在表情下暴漏无疑,每一处深深的脏鞋印,都是巨疼和压迫,但M 被一个不是圈里的女孩如此对待,羞辱感耻辱感翻倍,尤其当被踩在那双毫无准备的真实原味小白袜,一切的疼痛瞬间被那种浓郁的味道和无以言表的羞辱洗刷掉,接下来抬头挺胸像骑士一样骑在一个老头身上,模特出身挺直的腰板让她更加魅力惊人,当惩罚老马时,用硬硬的鞋头侧踢老马的肋骨,让老马苦不堪言

唐唐 | 酷似刘浩存的新素人人生第一次踩人头 4

The new beauty Tang Tang stepped on the head field, the neck field, and the horse riding field with all her weight for the first time. Tang Tang’s own original shoes, with thick hard soles and hard heels, pressed on her face, leaving clear square shoe prints. Under the simple guidance of the female S, there was no pressure, no guilt, no pity, it was really like stepping on a lifeless stone. She didn’t seem to have any psychological burden. That kind of self-confidence and superiority really seemed to be born with beauties. Even if it was the first time they came into contact with these, they might think that we are lowly and different, and there is no need to treat us as human beings. That perfect sense of superiority was undoubtedly exposed in her expression. Every deep dirty shoe print was extremely painful and oppressive, but M Being treated like this by a girl who is not in the circle, the humiliation is doubled, especially when being stepped on by the unprepared real white socks, all the pain is instantly washed away by the strong smell and unspeakable humiliation. Then she raised her head and chest and rode on an old man like a knight. Her straight back as a model made her even more charming. When punishing Lao Ma, she kicked Lao Ma’s ribs with the hard toe of her shoe, making Lao Ma miserable.

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