坐脸 | 超美体校女坐脸

坐脸 | 超美体校女坐脸 3

超美体校女坐脸 每个坐姿都洋溢着幸福,上面天堂下面地狱演绎的淋漓尽致

我见过最奇葩的坐脸(没有之一),她的牛仔超短裤只勉强盖住半个屁股蛋,就这样坐在一个狗的脸上,非但不嫌弃,每一秒,每一刻都在脸上洋溢着 骄傲,幸福,满足的表情。(就像吃了顿超级美食,谈了个恋爱是的) ,着实我也十分费解。
下面的狗无法呼吸挣扎到濒临绝境,上面美滋滋的 就像一个透明人,全程不起来,也不给狗喘一口气,就是孩童一般的开心幸福,我真的不清楚她是带着怎样的情绪去玩的这个游戏,更揣测不懂她此时的心里。(无所谓啦)反正画面感极度冲击就好啦,每一帧,都是一张绝美的照片。
这次 可怜的狗子如果想喘气,在极度挣扎之余兴许能呼上半口氧气,但瞬间又被拽回来 坐回去,坐脸时,体校女手不自觉就用指甲掐上乳头,10秒就见了血, 不愧是体校女,(10秒左右,她感觉手湿,还一直查看是什么东西,然后继续不管不顾,一直掐,一直掐)
先是把狗坐脸到缺氧,体虚, 最后实称称体重高跟踩 要了狗的半条命,这给这狗霍霍的,我的妈。(此视频有两个要求极高的同好给过很高的评价,(只他们俩看过)喜欢的不行,甚至评价超过之前的坐脸(仁者见仁))

坐脸 | 超美体校女坐脸 4

The most bizarre face-sitting I have ever seen (no one else), her denim shorts barely cover half of her buttocks, and she sits on a dog’s face like this, not only does she not dislike it, but every second, every moment, her face is filled with proud, happy, and satisfied expressions. (It’s like having a super delicious meal and having a relationship, yes), I really can’t understand it.
The dog below can’t breathe and struggles to the brink of despair, and the one above is happy like a transparent person, unable to get up the whole time, and doesn’t give the dog a breath, just happy and happy like a child, I really don’t know what kind of emotions she plays this game with, and I can’t guess what she is thinking at this time. (It doesn’t matter) Anyway, the picture is extremely impactful, every frame is a beautiful photo.
This time, if the poor dog wanted to breathe, he might be able to breathe half a breath of oxygen after struggling extremely, but he was pulled back and sat back in an instant. When sitting on the face, the girl from the sports school pinched the nipple with her fingernails unconsciously, and blood came out in 10 seconds. She is indeed a girl from the sports school. (After about 10 seconds, she felt her hands were wet, and she kept checking what it was, and then continued to pinch it regardless of anything.) First, the dog was sat on the face until it was short of oxygen and weak, and finally weighed and stepped on with high heels, which took half of the dog’s life. This was a waste of the dog, my god. (This video has two very demanding enthusiasts who have given high ratings, (only the two of them have watched it) They like it very much, and even rated it higher than the previous face sitting (different people have different opinions))

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