麋鹿银儿 | 库存里最神级天花板的一部寒夕暴力调教

麋鹿银儿 | 库存里最神级天花板的一部寒夕暴力调教 4
麋鹿银儿 | 库存里最神级天花板的一部寒夕暴力调教 5

SM麋鹿银儿女主SM调教视频下载 | 库存里最神级天花板的一部寒夕暴力调教

客户曾重金定制的视频,他的请求是,全场不停歇持续丧心病狂打,能把M最重的鞭打打到怀疑人生,哭爹喊妈,必须打哭,(要求真实疼哭和哭较长时间) 同时脚持续重重踩在头上固定不让移动 和高强度羞辱同时暴击鞭打 和强迫舔鞋找茬,无论如何舔都谴责不干净为理由疯狂抽打。而且要求必须出血痕,要求满背全身都是,需要让清晰的鞭痕充斥在白皙的皮肤上!    我槽,我听完之后都懵逼了!我私下找到寒夕主子,把客户的想法告诉她,我当时能看出来寒夕的眼睛都放光了。
接下来就是你们看到的画面和截图,为了最真实的效果和感觉,寒夕并未告知直播M任何事,直接开场,(接下来,大量的意外发生了),你们仔细看大量的截图会发现,这种重度肆无忌惮的抽打一个人 去无需负责地折磨人,让她简直开心爽到无法自拔,没有任何事能让她如此骄傲开心满足,内心的邪恶展露淋漓尽致,所有的要求不但超规格完成,而且!而且 我无法想象到直播M伤痕累累后,她竟然用她特别脏的全是细菌鞋底去用力一直擦直播M的伤口!我当时心里合计,你把我们当个人了么?在结束之后,踩在可怜巴巴的M身上 拿自己手机拍照片,我巢,这又是谁的剧本呀!  视频拍完后 我发给客户 客户也懵逼了, 语无伦次的好评和崇拜。最自信的一部定制,大家自己感受,差评随意喷!

麋鹿银儿 | 库存里最神级天花板的一部寒夕暴力调教 6

The client had paid a lot of money to customize the video. His request was that the beating should be continuous and crazy throughout the whole scene. The heaviest whipping could make M doubt her life and cry for her parents. She must be beaten and cry (it requires real pain and crying for a long time). At the same time, the foot continued to step heavily on her head and fixed her to prevent her from moving. High-intensity humiliation and critical whipping at the same time, and forced her to lick her shoes and find faults. No matter how she licked, she would be accused of not being clean and whipped wildly. And she was required to have blood marks all over her back and body, and clear whip marks were required to fill her fair skin!     Damn, I was stunned after listening to it! I found the master Han Xi privately and told her the client’s idea. I could see that Han Xi’s eyes were shining at the time.
The following are the pictures and screenshots you see. For the most realistic effect and feeling, Han Xi did not tell the live broadcast M anything and started directly. (Then, a lot of accidents happened). If you look carefully at a lot of screenshots, you will find that this kind of severe and unscrupulous whipping of a person to torture people without responsibility makes her so happy that she can’t extricate herself. Nothing can make her so proud, happy and satisfied. The evil in her heart is fully revealed. All the requirements are not only completed beyond the specifications, but also! Moreover, I can’t imagine that after the live broadcast M was bruised and battered, she actually used her particularly dirty soles full of bacteria to rub the live broadcast M’s wounds! I was thinking in my heart, do you treat us as human beings? After it was over, stepping on the poor M and taking pictures with my own mobile phone, my nest, whose script is this! After the video was shot, I sent it to the customer. The customer was also confused, with incoherent praise and admiration. The most confident customization, everyone can feel it for themselves, and feel free to spray bad reviews!

下载价格4 ft
客服联系方式: footube.us@gmail.com
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