婧児小主 | 晓G老师红高跟肉丝裸足熟女征服玩弄把你变成厕奴POV

婧児小主 | 晓G老师红高跟肉丝裸足熟女征服玩弄把你变成厕奴POV 3

婧児小主 | 晓G老师红高跟肉丝裸足熟女征服玩弄把你变成厕奴POV 第一视角丝袜GTS视频下载

今天的主题是老师玩学生 然后一点一点的把这个学生完成 厕所M 下课了到老师的办公室来一趟 怎么最近成绩下滑的这么厉害呀嗯 是不是上课的时候没好好听课 没好好听课的时候都在干嘛呀 是不是在偷偷的看老师的高跟鞋 和丝袜腿啊 我早就发现你这个小东西 天天不好好听讲 一直盯着我的高跟鞋看 怎么对我的高跟鞋很有兴趣是不是 ~嗯 今天把你叫到办公室来 就让你好好的看一看 让你一次性看个够 老师的高跟鞋是不是很好看呢 嗯今天特意穿了红色的高跟鞋 以前都没见过吧
这可是老师特意为你穿的 看这双高跟鞋 特别的脏 鞋底全是泥巴 你这么喜欢看老师的高跟鞋 想不想 近距离的和老师的高跟鞋接触接触呀 想呀想的话 你现在就跪下像狗一样爬过来 爬到老师的脚下 好好的把老师的鞋底清理干净 怎么不想清理? 从来都没有舔过鞋底~? 没关系~ 那你就先把你的脸贴在老师的鞋底上 让老师踩在你的脸上好好的蹭一蹭 嗯 反正你这么喜欢老师的高跟鞋对吧 哼 是不是很享受啊 想不想闻一闻老师的丝袜脚呀 想呀你想闻老师的丝袜脚 就要好好的舔一舔老师的鞋底 你要是舔了 老师就会奖励你 好好的闻一闻老师的丝袜脚 哈哈对 把舌头伸出来一点一点的慢慢的舔 看你这副很不情愿的样子 让你舔老师的鞋底可是你的荣幸
这不是你梦寐以求的高跟鞋吗 嗯哈哈哈 对 舌头用力的伸长一点 整根舌头都贴在鞋底上 好好的舔 仔细的舔 还有鞋跟也要好好的舔干净 只要你舔的好表现的好 老师就让你闻一闻老师的丝袜脚 把两只丝袜脚都盖在你的脸上 让你好好的闻 仔细的闻 哈哈哈 看呐舔的越来越卖力了 嗯就像一只小贱狗一样跪在地上 舔老师的高跟鞋底
还有鞋跟也要好好的清理 把鞋跟含进嘴里 对就是这样 是不是很好吃啊 老师的丝袜脚马上就可以给你闻了 把两只鞋子的鞋底全都舔干净 以后你就每天都给老师舔鞋子好不好呀 哈哈哈哈哈 很香很喜欢甜的 你要慢慢的习惯 以后老师的鞋底不管沾了什么脏东西 都要让你这个小贱狗舔干净 你就是老师的擦鞋布 你的舌头就是老师的擦鞋布 很好 现在老师就奖励你 奖励你闻一闻老师的丝袜脚 这双丝袜也是穿了好多天的了 黏黏的味道特别大 喜不喜欢呢 早就想闻老师的丝袜脚了吧 今天就让你好好的闻一闻 好好的舔一舔 把老师丝袜脚上的脚汗全都吃进去 还有脚臭味全就 吸进肺里 味道怎么样啊 嗯想不想凑近点闻一闻呢 嗯 来~ 好好的闻一闻 把两只脚都放在你的脸上 让你好好的闻 仔细的闻 整个脚盖在你的脸上 老师的丝袜脚很香吧 哈哈 看你一脸享受的样子一 定很喜欢闻老师的丝袜脚 做梦都想着闻老师的丝袜脚吧 嗯
闻吧仔细的闻 好好的闻现在 把舌头伸出来 舔老师的丝袜脚 把脚趾脚趾缝 全都舔干净 香不香啊 看来你还是不习惯用舌头 舔老师的丝袜讲话 你要慢慢的适应 因为以后你就要做老师的小贱狗 做老师的玩具 老师想怎么玩你就怎么玩 必须听老师的话 很香吧 很喜欢老师的丝袜脚 没想到你这么下贱 原来我的学生是个下贱的贱狗啊
嗯 来让老师站起来 踩在你的脸上 嗯嗯 用脚用丝袜脚粘你的狗脸 喜不喜欢香不香 嗯 很喜欢被老师踩在脚下 来 继续清理老师的丝袜脚还有脚趾缝 全都清理干净
表现的很好 哈哈 你想不想 闻一闻老师的裸着呀 嗯 想不想让老师把丝袜脱掉 很喜欢呀 看你这个小贱狗一脸陶醉的样子 陶醉的 用脸贴着老师高贵的玉足
特别的满足 特别的享受吧 你可真是下贱 看张着个狗嘴 真想含住老师的脚趾巴 嗯哈哈 说 以后每天中午到老师的办公室吃什么 午饭呢 对** 以后你就是老师的厕所
是老师的马桶 知道了吗 真听话以后你不许说话 只能像狗一样汪汪汪的叫 先叫两声让老师听一听啊 很好那老师就奖励你 舔一舔老师高贵的裸足吧 嗯 好好的舔
仔细的舔 看你一脸享受的样子 享受着用舌头舔着老师高贵的玉足 小贱狗是不是很好吃 嗯是不是很软呢 这就是你梦寐以求的 把老师的脚趾 含进嘴里 把老师的脚趾还有脚趾缝 全都好好舔干净嗯 很香啊很喜欢舔老师的裸足吧 感觉怎么样啊 是不是软软的 嗯看你这副贱样把整张狗脸都贴在了老实 高贵的玉足上 一脸的享受啊 喜欢这种感觉吗 被老师的裸足踩在脚下 踩在你的狗脸上按摩 上面粘的全是你这条健壮的 口水必须要用你的狗脸擦干净 你的狗脸就是我的擦脚布 哈哈 嗯



婧児小主 | 晓G老师红高跟肉丝裸足熟女征服玩弄把你变成厕奴POV 4

Today’s theme is that the teacher plays with the student and then completes the toilet bit by bit. M. After class, come to the teacher’s office. Why have your grades dropped so sharply recently? Is it because you didn’t pay attention to the class carefully during class? What are you doing? Are you secretly looking at the teacher’s high-heeled shoes and stockings legs? I’ve long discovered that you little thing doesn’t listen well every day and keeps staring at my high-heeled shoes. Why are you so interested in my high-heeled shoes~ Well today I called you to the office and let you take a good look at it. I want you to see enough of the teacher’s high-heeled shoes at once. Isn’t it nice? Yes, I wore red high-heeled shoes today. I haven’t seen them before.
These are specially worn by the teacher for you. Look at the dirty soles of these high-heeled shoes. You like looking at the teacher’s high-heeled shoes so much. Do you want to get up close and personal with the teacher’s high-heeled shoes? If you think about it, kneel down like a dog now. Climb over to the teacher’s feet and clean the soles of the teacher’s shoes. Why don’t you want to clean them? Never licked the soles of shoes~? It doesn’t matter~ Then put your face on the teacher’s sole first and let the teacher step on your face and rub it well. Anyway, you like the teacher’s high heels so much, right? Hey, don’t you enjoy it? Do you want to smell it? If you want to smell the teacher’s stockinged feet, you should lick the teacher’s soles. If you lick the teacher’s soles, the teacher will reward you with a good smell of the teacher’s stockinged feet. Haha, stick out your tongue a little. Licking slowly and little by little. Seeing how reluctant you are, it’s your honor to let you lick the teacher’s soles.
Isn’t this the high-heeled shoes you’ve been dreaming of? Hahahaha, stretch your tongue a little harder and stick your whole tongue on the soles. Lick them carefully and lick them carefully. You should also lick the heels clean well. As long as you lick well, be a good teacher. Let you smell the teacher’s stocking feet. Cover both stocking feet on your face and let you smell them carefully. Hahaha, look, the licking is getting harder and harder, just like a little bitch. Kneel on the ground and lick the bottom of the teacher’s high heels
You also need to clean the heels well. Put the heels into your mouth. That’s it. Isn’t it delicious? The teacher’s stocking feet can be smelled by you right away. Licking all the soles of both shoes clean, you can do it every day. Is it okay to lick the teacher’s shoes? Hahahahaha. They smell very good and I like the sweetness. You have to slowly get used to it. From now on, no matter what dirt is on the soles of the teacher’s shoes, you, the little bitch, will have to lick them clean. You are the teacher’s shoeshine cloth. My tongue is like the teacher’s shoe polish. It’s very good. Now the teacher will reward you and reward you by smelling the teacher’s stockings. I’ve been wearing these stockings for many days. The sticky smell is really great. Do you like it? I’ve long wanted to smell the teacher’s stockings. My feet are gone today. Let me give you a good smell and a good lick. Eat all the foot sweat on the teacher’s stockings and inhale all the foot odor into your lungs. How does it taste? Hmm, do you want to get closer and smell it? Smell it, come on~ Smell it well. Put both feet on your face and let you smell it carefully. The whole foot is covering your face. The teacher’s stockings and feet smell very good, haha, look at your expression of enjoyment. You must really like smelling the teacher’s stocking feet, and dream about smelling the teacher’s stocking feet, right?
Smell it, smell it carefully, smell it well. Now stick out your tongue and lick the teacher’s stockings. Lick all the toes and toes clean. Does it smell good? It seems that you are still not used to licking the teacher’s stockings with your tongue and talking. You have to get used to it slowly because in the future You have to be the teacher’s little bitch, the teacher’s toy, you can play with it however the teacher wants, and you must listen to the teacher. It smells good. I really like the teacher’s stocking feet. I didn’t expect you to be so mean. It turns out that my student is a mean bitch.
Hmm, let the teacher stand up and step on your face. Hmm, stick his stockings on your dog face with his feet. Do you like the smell? Hmm, I really like being stepped on by the teacher. Continue to clean the teacher’s stockings and toes. clean up
You behave very well, haha. Do you want to smell the teacher’s naked body? Well, do you want the teacher to take off her stockings? I like it very much. Look at the intoxicated look on your little bitch’s face. Intoxicated, you press your face against the teacher’s noble feet.
Special satisfaction, special enjoyment. You are really mean. With your mouth open, I really want to hold the teacher’s toes in my mouth. Hahaha. From now on, what will I eat in the teacher’s office at noon every day? What about lunch? Yes, you will be the teacher’s toilet from now on.
It’s the teacher’s toilet, you know? If you are really obedient, you are not allowed to speak. You can only bark like a dog. First bark twice to let the teacher listen. Very good. Then the teacher will reward you by licking the teacher’s noble bare feet. OK, okay. lick
Licking carefully and seeing the look of enjoyment on your face, you are enjoying licking the teacher’s noble feet with your tongue. Isn’t it delicious? Isn’t it very soft? This is what you dream of. Put the teacher’s toes into your mouth and take the teacher’s Licking all the toes and the spaces between the toes. It smells very good. I really like licking the teacher’s bare feet. How does it feel? Isn’t it soft? Look at you, you look like a bitch, and you put your whole dog’s face on those honest and noble feet. The enjoyment on your face. Do you like this feeling? Being stepped on by the teacher’s bare feet, stepping on your dog’s face and massaging it. It’s all covered with your strong saliva. I must wipe your dog clean with your dog’s face. My face is my foot wipe, haha
Tell me, are you the teacher’s toy?
Are you still a teacher?
Yes, it’s the teacher’s toilet M
It’s the teacher’s toilet
It’s the teacher’s foot wipe
It’s still the teacher’s carpet
Every day from now on at noon
Just come to the teacher’s office
Use your dog’s head as a teacher’s foot pad
Then the teacher will reward you for using your bare feet
Step on your dog’s face
Ha ha
Step on my feet
Like it very much
Very excited
I didn’t expect you, a little bitch, to be so fast.
It became my toilet M
toilet toys
Ha ha
Play however you want
Really mean
Dirty little bitch
Now you can go back to class
Come to my office tomorrow at noon
There are more fun things
Have a good time with you

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